What are the requirements for water and voltage for the operation of artificial snow machines? How is snowmaking done?

👍In winter, artificial snow machines mainly require water and electricity. What are the requirements for water and voltage when the artificial snow machine is pulled to the snowmaking area to start working? Friends who know snow-making products will know that the working principle of the artificial snow machine is that the compressor generates high-pressure air and sends it to the nozzle of the nuclear generator, and then the fan is responsible for blowing the atomized water mist into the air to disperse it. The nuclear generator generates snow cores after the ratio of air and water is formed, and the snow cores are cooled in the air to form snowflakes. From this, we can know that the artificial snow machine is actually an electrical device that can quickly convert a large amount of liquid water into high-pressure atomized ice crystals, and water and electricity are the raw materials consumed by snowmaking.🐳 🐳

👍As for electricity, it is generally enough to meet the working voltage of the machine. As for the water, there are not too many excessive demands. Natural water can be used, well water, river water can be used, no need for too pure water. However, it should be noted that the water used for snowmaking is high-pressure water with a specific pressure, so the water used by the snow-making machine is delivered from a high-pressure water pump. As for snowmaking, the temperature of the water is 0 to 5 degrees. If the temperature is too high, snow cannot be made. If the temperature is too low, it will freeze into ice. So it is recommended to build a constant temperature reservoir, which is a good method. After all, the amount of water required for snow-making by artificial snow machines is also very large, so as to ensure sufficient snow-making water.🐳🐳

👍Snow machines basically mimic the natural snow formation process, and snowmaking equipment operates when a specific ambient temperature and humidity are reached. At the same time, only the proper water supply can ensure the snowmaking efficiency and quality of the artificial snow machine.🐳🐳

👍At present, half of the ski resorts in China have started operation, and the temperature in the central and southern regions can reach the snowmaking temperature in less than a month. So, how do you operate the artificial snow machine in the ski resort?🐳🐳

👍After everything is ready for the ski resort, the artificial snow machine needs to do the following three things when entering the ski resort to make snow. At the same time, operating these points well is also the key to whether the snow machine can make snow normally.🐳🐳

👍Wait for the temperature, humidity, water, and electricity to be in place. This sentence summarizes the necessary conditions for snow-making artificial snow. The temperature should be below 0, the humidity should not be too high, the water should be below 5, and the electricity should be 380V three-phase electricity.🐳🐳

👍Commissioning a snow machine and testing its parts for real. The staff of this artificial snow machine manufacturer will operate it on-site. First, it can actually make snow to reassure the ski resort, and second, it can teach the snowman how to operate it.🐳🐳

👍Cleaning the snow machine is an essential part. As the saying goes, details make or break. This statement fully applies to artificial snow machines. Proper cleaning of the artificial snow machine can not only make the artificial snow machine more effective with half the effort, but also greatly improve the quality of snowmaking, and also have good protection for the body of the artificial snow machine. For ski resorts, the importance of massive snowmaking is self-evident. 🐳🐳

👍Do these three points well, and the artificial snow machine can make snow normally and effectively. In addition, snow machine manufacturers conduct detailed training for snow machine workers to ensure that snow machines are properly maintained during the snowmaking process. 🐳🐳